Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Midnight Rain...

As the rain lashes by railings,
Little droplets slide away in perfect lines..

Fragrant mud sputters around,
Staining leaves in lovely patterns

The rain silences some,
while others frolic carefree

Trees are happily drenched,
And the muck washed away

The sky, resplendent with bursts of light,
Almost rants away, grumbling!

Little beings find shelter,
Silently enjoying the breezy showers

Umbrellas, raincoats and rain-shoes,
brought out to fight the drizzle...

Hot cups of tea, with lots of ginger,
by the windowsill...

1 comment:

  1. like cool drops of liquid sky
    they weave down this smiling face

    all troubles evanesce
    as tears and raindrops coalesce
