Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Yet another year passes by..

Seems like just yesterday, that I was counting down the last few days of 2013. It is truly amazing how time flies. It certainly goes by faster when you have your hands full with a tonne of things to do.

Its just another year actually.. no big deal.. if it wasn't for society and evolution, we wouldn't have bothered keeping a track of time or have calendars for that matter.

But that being said, 2014 has been really special for me. I think I have matured way beyond what I was just a year ago. Taking chances can really pull out all that pent up negativity one has. And i surely took a whole lot of chances and learnt a lot this year.

Learning to let go of things you cannot single handedly change. Learning to keep your judgments aside when you meet people. Learning to ignore negative words that are thrown around at you. Learning not to second guess yourself. Learning to treasure what you have. Learning to accept and reason. Learning to appreciate. Learning to face your fears. Learning balance. Learning independence. Learning that the easy way isn't always the best.

And lots more...

I travelled a lot this year, and there is nothing more satisfying than discovering a place that you haven't seen before; or explored on your own terms. It is truly one of the best things to spend your money on.
Somebody once told me.. we all 'earn a living'. But are we really 'living'? What really is the point of piling up all your money. You will be dead and gone by the time you decide to actually use it up!

Travelling is so important, what life are you living if you have explored the unseen? A dear friend told me something about livelihood a couple of months ago... This friend of mine had met a very successful and influential businesswoman who worked her way up from being a clerk, to the CEO of a company and yet, held on to a piece of advice her parents gave her. It was about wages. This woman said that one must divide their monthly wages into the following four portions -

1/4th for your food
1/4th for your rent
1/4th for your travel, and
1/4th for your savings

So simple and do-able. (but then we have those devils called EMIs :D)...

Anyway, heres hoping that we 'live' life this year and the years to come...


(whoever is reading this, watch this space for the next post on my recent travels.. theres so much to share! Textually and visually...)