Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nature is everything.

One farmer says to me, "You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make the bones with;" and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying himself with the raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his oxen, which, with vegetable-made bones, jerk him and his lumbering plow along in spite of every obstacle.
~Henry David Thoreau (American author, poet, naturalist, historian, philosopher, and leading transcendentalist...)

It is pretty shocking as to how 'meat-eaters' justify themselves so callously...
Pretty much  the same with those who use animal products....
They seem rather content with their 'lack of knowledge' of the same...

Of-course, it is a matter of personal preference and everything... But thinking about what you consume and the overall consequence of the same wouldn't do much harm...

On switching to vegan-ism ( seen using a vegan wallet ), i was told that the use of leather is intrinsically beneficial, as it is biodegradable... humph...

Does that justify animal-slaughter? What about plant-based products? Cloth, jute, synthetics too... aren't they biodegradable!?

I once, had a conversation with my brother about the use of leather... and he pretty much had the opinion that it is one of the most uncomfortable materials one could think of wearing...
In my ignorant carnivore days, i remember my foul-smelling leather wallet...
Didn't quite strike that it was nothing but dead skin...

Most animal skins, like hide and fur, even after extensive tanning, bleaching and de-odorising etc give out a foul and decayed whiff... meat too, only after cooking and seasoning, is 'relished'...

I guess humans are the only beings who kill for pleasure and in avarice... watch Natgeo sometime and you may just see a lion walking calmly alongside a zebra or deer when not hungry... or even a lioness adopting an orphaned antelope with much love...

Greed and ignorance dissolve life only faster... wish we could see that...


  1. Well put TJ!

    On the bright side though, people are becoming more aware about being Vegan here in Bangalore (and all over India) and to see more carnivores turning to this path is heartening.

  2. Thank you!
    I agree, people are switching to a vegan/vegetarian way of life, mostly for health related reasons though. It is upsetting that they aren't sensitive towards animal cruelty and suffering...
