I feel one learns and grows every moment… this entire process helps you get closer and closer to your identity as well…. I'm not sure if I believe in the concept of ‘goals’ but I do believe in self sufficiency derived from doing what you really want (by all means)… in simpler words, just being happy…
In the last two to three years I have learnt a lot about myself… this has been through reading, talking and being around different kinds of people and many perspectives… and I'm glad I did what I did… I feel content… unlike before when I was following the crowd… I didn't quite have ideas and opinions of my own… I lacked that ‘sense-of-self…
If there's one idea I have strongly grown to believe in, it is objectivity, which is the ability to be impartial…or unprejudiced. It takes a lot to be objective because one is fed with ideas and traditional thought from an extremely young age, and to throw all that away and start afresh isn’t easy… you end up going against a lot… but like a friend of mine always says ‘you have to be selfish'… that's how you'll find happiness! =)
I have also developed immense affection towards the environment and animals! This affection made me take an important decision for myself… that of veganism. I feel that no human owns an animal in such a way so as to take anything away from it… animals are prey to human vindictiveness simply because they cannot speak the same language as them… they defend themselves till they can, but humans eventually overpower them… even the genesis talks about how humans were meant to be in-charge of animals and not exploit them!
There’s so much more… but this is a great start, I’m glad I’m writing again… i feel nice =)